+$13,000 in 3 weeks For a DTC Women Fashion Brand

Here is a quick case study of a fashion brand that made over $13k+ in just 3 weeks using C.H.E.F Framework.


Women Fashion


United States

The 5-Figure Funnel

Here is a funnel we used, The Traffic coming from the Social media is redirected to the landing page. After a few seconds, The Sign-up Form is going to pop up that lets customers sign up by providing them with an incentive.

Customer Behavior

We understand consumer behavior patterns.

It starts with the customer encountering something new, prompting curiosity (“What’s this?”). As they become more interested,

They express admiration (“That is fire 🔥”), moving from curiosity to attraction.

Then, their interest evolves into a desire to own or experience the item (“I want this”), indicating a transition from curiosity to aspiration.

Eventually, they take action to acquire the item, achieving a sense of fulfillment (“I got this”), and completing the consumer journey.

